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Bible Prophecy





by Jacques More

This is the eBook version of the chapter in the booklet
Revival - The Battleplan.

Back to CONTENTS of Revival - The Battleplan


Im April 1998 I attended a Marsham Street meeting in London where the speaker Marc Dupont mentioned a prophetic word about a 'roundtable'. As I heard this my thoughts of course went immediately to The Banks of the River vision. Apparently there have been a number of words about a roundtable. The last I have seen is from Tony Black and with Tony's permission I reproduce it in full as the final chapter of this compilation of visionary articles. Since the date is February 2001 any previous 'roundtable' is unlikely to be what the Lord has got in mind and it is my belief that the preceding articles (now chapters) show what is needful.

Posted at 27th February 2001
by Tony Black - used with permission

Plans are established by counsel; by wise counsel wage war.

Proverbs 20:18

Concerning prophecy, I feel as though I have been in the desert for many months, perhaps years. How about you? I even reached the point where I was telling folks "I used to be quite prophetic, but that season passed" Praise the Lord, it seems a new season has begun, and I'm sure it has for you too, or just about to. Something is "shifting" in the heavenlies, and I'd like to share a word that has been confirmed by many others seeing the same things.

The pictures I have are of a Round Table and of a Circle of Wagons (as in the old West). I believe it primarily a word for "leaders" and that the Lord is saying this:

It is time to circle the wagons, time for a counsel of war.

I say to you today there is a unity coming to the Body such as you have never seen before. It is a unity that I will supernaturally empower, despite your weaknesses and contrary to what you deserve. It is a unity that comes out of brokenness and humility, and one that will surely invoke my blessing. Blessed are those who, as though a beggar, are completely relying on me, for to them belongs the Kingdom of heaven.

For many, the season of shaking is past. The new season will open the floodgates of my power in ways that you have not yet seen in your generation. You have longed for these days. If you heed my voice I tell you they are upon you. But first you must come to the table of unity.

And when you come, I counsel you to leave your insignia and titles behind. For I will speak in new ways. Ways that will surprise many. Ways that will humble the proud and bring confidence to the humble. Listen carefully for my voice, for I will speak to you through one another, from the least to the greatest.

In this way I will teach you how to honour one another, to learn from one another, and to stand alongside one another. For it is my Church, my Body, my Bride, and my Army. My army will march in unison, and at my command alone.

I am your Master and the only true Shepherd. I am your Father and the only true Father. I am your leader and the only true leader. No man can take my place. No man can create my strategy. No man will lead this war. No man will take control.

I will do it all. You will follow me. But not alone. Together. And if I see you alone alongside me on the battlefield I shall ask you...

Where is your brother?

Thus, I command you this day to come to the table, equal amongst your brethren, and together by wise counsel you will wage war...

Tony Black. Feb 26 2001



Unless otherwise stated Bible quotes are from
the New King James Version.
© copyright Thomas Nelson Inc. 1979,1980,1982.

© copyright Jacques More 2002, 2018


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