This is the re-formatted eBook version of this chapter in the book So You Think You're Chosen?


Does God really hate bad teachings?
        Yes, Jesus is on record as saying:

. . . the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, which thing I hate.

Revelation 2:15

We also know that all the bad things Job’s friends said about God they were expected to repent of:

. . . the LORD said to Eliphaz the Temanite, ‘My wrath is aroused against you and your two friends, for you have not spoken of Me what is right, as My servant Job has . . .’

Job 42:7

This was because what they said about God did not match His character. They were not true about Him.
        So why should God hate ‘Grace Theology’? Indeed, what is it?
        It is the belief system, the doctrine which claims that worthless sinners, dead and depraved in character are chosen and redeemed by God unto salvation. These are called acts of grace where God is said in His mercy to snatch from eternal death unmerciful and unworthy individuals.
        The problem with false doctrine is that there are elements of truth. Here the truth involves God’s mercy and that He does freely give salvation to imperfect individuals. Satan always makes use of ½ truths to capture his victims into a set of errors: Just as he quoted scripture at Jesus when he tested Him in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11).
        The lies involve what is opposite to what God has expressly said in His Word: the Bible. This is what Jesus said which can be seen to differ from what has just been described as ‘Grace Theology’:

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.

Matthew 5:6-7

How is this different from Grace Theology? (GT), Reformed Theology, Unconditional Predestination, Calvinism, all being titles of the same set of doctrines, all claim as mentioned that unfit, unmerciful (dead spiritually) sinners are saved by grace and thereby obtain mercy. Whilst Jesus said it is the merciful who obtain mercy. GT says it is from among those who are unrighteous and have no desire for it that God redeems. Whilst Jesus says it is those who hunger and thirst for righteousness who are filled. Both cannot be untrue and I believe Jesus is true!
        These things which as shown are in contradiction to Jesus’ teaching are also contrary to God’s character. God in GT is said to stop an evil man in his tracks ‘in His grace’ by a ‘Damascus Road like’ experience. This is contrary to the character and whole nature of God. The Spirit of God is shown us with clear fruit:

. . . love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Galatians 5:22-23 italics mine

And self-control involves not imposing what one wishes upon another. This is God’s Nature.
        Paul’s conversion was not against his heart’s true desire as I explained in chapter 12 entitled The apostles Paul and Judas. GT says it was contrary to Paul’s evil heart that God did this: Another lie.
        Neither was God’s hardening of Pharaoh’s heart against Pharaoh’s own intentions in the time of Moses and the Exodus. In chapter 10 Understanding Romans 9, I explain how 6 times Pharaoh hardened his heart before the Lord stepped in and strengthened Pharaoh in that resolve (to continue; not ‘change’) a further 6 times.
        God responds to ability witnessed in the heart of the individual, whilst GT says there is nothing good in man. I explain how the belief that man is 100% disabled is false in chapter 21 entitled Journey into Light.
        There is another thing GT is opposed to in Romans 9: it is opposed to God’s mercy being for the merciful – as Jesus quoted above clearly says – when God says ‘I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy’ (Romans 9:15) GT instead suggests this is for anyone whom God wants, irrespective of whether the individual themselves desire to be merciful or not. GT makes clear that this saying by God involves the salvation of whomever God chooses without precondition, and indeed this ‘mercy’ – this ‘Grace’ [hence the name ‘Grace Theology’] – is invariably upon those who are unmerciful and unfit sinners: Whilst the very nature of God causes release of His Spirit only in the lives of those hungry for righteousness. Jesus clearly said it is those who are merciful who go on to obtain mercy. How this works with predestination I explain according to Paul’s own thinking in Romans 8 within chapter 11 – Romans 8:28 in Context. Always a ‘conditional’ situation in Paul’s teaching.
       GT claims instead that God is being capricious in saying,

. . . I will have mercy on whomever I will have mercy.

Romans 9:15

It explains this as God picking out whom He wills to be merciful to, wholly irrespective of the recipient’s request or desire for it. This is a lie. It is heresy. The very context where this quote belongs – as explained in chapter 10 – demonstrates that it is those who have not sinned in unbelief who receive mercy.
        The bible does not contradict itself. Jesus made plain who gets mercy and who will benefit from being filled with righteousness. Indeed Jesus is not alone in saying it (as if His words were not enough!):

With the merciful You will show Yourself merciful . . .

2 Samuel 22:26

Is it any wonder God hates Grace Theology?

Copyright © Jacques More 2008

First published in Great Britain 2008

The right of Jacques More to be identified as
the Author of The Work has been asserted by him
in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988

eBook Edition
ISBN 978 1 898158 16 5

Unless otherwise stated Bible passages are taken from The Holy Bible,
New King James Version Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982, 1983
by Thomas Nelson, Inc.